Relocation Information

                                            Relocation Information for the Courtyard Only
Residents of the courtyard, please see the >>>Relocation Presentation<<< from 3/8 & 3/9 AND here is the ASSESSMENT LINK  which will help the team at Housing to Home better assist you and your family when it's time to relocate you. 
You can also use the scan code to get to the assessment 

Residents of the courtyard, you will receive a  Q & A notice from Housing to Home which will answer questions related to the relocation process and the next information session which will be held on 3/8 & 3/9 @6:00 pm. You may chose which session that you'd like to attend, you do not have to attend both. Click >>>>Housing to Home Q & A<<<< for frequently asked questions. 

Residents of the courtyard, if you have NOT received your General Information Notice (GIN) AND returned it  to Meloni WITH your signature, please call/text Meloni at 410-989-7143.

                                        Relocation Information to Marshall Gardens 

Congratulations to the residents who won the lottery to relocate to Marshall Gardens.  Below are the assignments and information that you need to complete and know before the move. 

Makin' Money Moves Assignments

Allen & Son Resident Survey

Allen and Son Packing Video (7 mins)

Marshall Gardens/Pedestal Gardens Rules & Regulations

Good Housekeeping by Jenny Jackson

New Resident Orientation Video  

Allen & Son Liability/Personal Items Waiver

Take a Look Inside of Marshall Gardens

How Do I Operate My Alarm System?

How Do I Operate My Front Load Washer

How Do I Operate My Sensory Dryer

Smooth Moves--What I Need To Know About Marshall Gardens

Follow-up questions from the New Resident Orientation held on 2/5/2021

  1. Has Baltimore City been contacted regarding trashcans for the townhome owners? Not at this time. Once we get a definitive move in date we can reach out to the City.
  2. Can residents who will live in the apartments have in-unit security cameras? This question was posed because of the possibility of destroying the walls. In unit security cameras will not be permitted.
  3. How do you want to residents to dispose of large items such as couches/tables, etc...? I advised residents to use the dumpsters and some items can be left for maintenance team. Residents MUST dispose of their items by placing them INSIDE the roll-off dumpsters. ONLY if the dumpsters are full can items be left outside/around the dumpsters. 
  4.  Is there a dumpster at MG for residents to use? The dumpsters are ONLY for the apartment building.
  5. Does Allen and Son provide bubble-wrap? No.